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FlyEdea Ice Fly Boots
The Ice Fly boot is the lightest skating boot available and represents a huge turning point in skating and skating technology; an ultra modern design for skaters who like winning. The flexibility in the boot means added grace and elegance to every performance. Extra Tough Construction 90Ladies Sizes (White): 205 – 280 in 5mm incrementsMens Sizes (Black): 210 – 310 in 5mm incrementsSkates US is the ONLY Distributor in the World to offer the following ICE FLY Sizes in addition to the standard sizes starting at 225: 205 (White Only), 210, 215, and 220 in White and Black, NOW available from stockIf you don't see your size or width, please contact us at info@mmskatewear.com Colors: White and BlackType of Skating: ICE and Inline Roller SkatingTraining Level: Double, Triple, and Quad JumpsTraining Hours: 20 to 25 Plus Hours per weekComfort Level: Edea's MOST Comfortable Skate, almost Feels like a Tennis Shoe0 885885RUB885RUB

Edea Ice Fly Boots в Минеральных Водах
The Ice Fly boot is the lightest skating boot available and represents a huge turning point in skating and skating technology; an ultra modern design for skaters who like winning. The flexibility in the boot means added grace and elegance to every performance. Extra Tough Construction 90Ladies Sizes (White): 205 – 280 in 5mm incrementsMens Sizes (Black): 210 – 310 in 5mm incrementsSkates US is the ONLY Distributor in the World to offer the following ICE FLY Sizes in addition to the standard sizes starting at 225: 205 (White Only), 210, 215, and 220 in White and Black, NOW available from stockIf you don't see your size or width, please contact us at info@mmskatewear.com Colors: White and BlackType of Skating: ICE and Inline Roller SkatingTraining Level: Double, Triple, and Quad JumpsTraining Hours: 20 to 25 Plus Hours per weekComfort Level: Edea's MOST Comfortable Skate, almost Feels like a Tennis Shoe
Unboxing Edea Wave figure skate boots to use with Pic skates off ice
Unboxing Edea Wave figure skate boots to use with Pic skates off ice
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